Red de Excelencia Consolider “MICROGEN”

Microbiology in the XXIst century gravitates largely on genomics of isolated cultures, single cells (single cell genomes) and communities (metagenomes). This new Microbiology requires a shift in the ways of thinking and carry our projects. The capicity of data generation available presently is enormous and requires a change from classical reduccionist approaches to a holistic view of microbes and communites. In addition, there has been a replacement of tools from the classic molecular biology toolbox to in silico analysis and bioinformatics. This network will gather some of the best microbial genomicists in Spain that will facilitate the continuation of a succesful development of the field and the diffusion to other Spanish and European micorbiologists by meetings and workshops.


This Project has received founding from Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, Acciones de Dinamización “REDES DE EXCELENCIA” Consolider CGL2015-71523-REDC.

24 February 2017